Coding Theorems for a (2,2)-threshold Scheme with Detectability of Impersonation Attacks

Mitsugu Iwamoto, Hiroki Koga, and Hirosuke Yamamoto

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 58, No.9, pp.6194-6206, September 2012

Coding theorems on a $(2,2)$-threshold scheme with an opponent are discussed in an asymptotic setup, where the opponent tries to impersonate one of the two participants. A situation is considered where $n$ secrets $S^{n}$ from a memoryless source is blockwisely encoded to two shares and the two shares are decoded to $S^{n}$ with permitting negligible decoding error. We introduce correlation level of the two shares and characterize the minimum attainable rates of the shares and a uniform random number for realizing a $(2, 2)$-threshold scheme that is secure against the impersonation attack by the opponent. It is shown that if the correlation level between the two shares equals to $\ell geq 0$, the minimum attainable rates coincide with $H(S)+\ell $, where $H(S)$ denotes the entropy of the source, and the maximum attainable exponent of the success probability of the impersonation attack equals to $\ell $. It is also shown that a simple scheme using an ordinary $(2,2)$-threshold scheme attains all the bounds as well.

Index Terms : Correlated sources, hypothesis testing, impersonation attack secret sharing scheme, threshold scheme.

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DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2012.2204546