Rate-distortion theory for the Shannon cipher system

Hirosuke Yamamoto

IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol.43, no.3, pp.827-835, May 1997

  • Rate-distortion theory is considered for the Shannon cipher system (SCS). The admissible region of cryptogram rate $R$, key rate $R_k$, legitimate receiver's distortion $D$, and wiretapper's uncertainty $h$ is determined for the SCS with a noisy channel. Furthermore, inner and outer bounds of the admissible region of $R$, $R_k$, $D$, and wiretapper's attainable minimum distortion $prilde{D}$ are derived for the SCS with a finite discrete source and a noiseless channel.
  • Index Terms: rate-distortion theory, Shannon cipher system, wiretap channel, broadcast channel, coding theorem
  • A part of this result is explained as "Wiretap channel with secret key" in Section 22.2 (also see "Bibliographic Notes" on page 577) of the following book:
    Abbas El Gamal and Young-Ham Kim, "Network Information Theory", Cambrige, 2011. (ISBN 978-1-107-00873-1)
  • DOI: 10.1109/18.568694