On Secret Sharing Communication Systems with Two or Three Channels

Hirosuke Yamamoto

IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. IT-32, No.3, pp.387-393, MAY.1986

  • The source coding problem is considered for secret sharing communication systems (SSCS's) with two or three channels. The SSCS, where the information $X$ is shared and communicated through two or more channels,is an extension of Shannon's cipher communication system and the secret sharing system. The security level is measured with equivocation; that is, $(1/N)H(X|W_i)$, $(1/N)H(X|W_iW_j)$, etc., where $W_i$ and $W_j$ are the wire-tapped codewords. The achievable rate region for the given security level is established for the SSCS's with two or three channels.
  • DOI:10.1109/TIT.1986.1057177