Numerical caluculation algorithm for transfer function bounds of convokutional codes and TCM schemes

Hirosuke YAMAMOTO and Hiroyuki FUJIWARA

IEICE tecnical reports on Information theory, vol.IT91-114, pp.73-79, March 1992

  • A new algorithm is proposed to calculate the transfer function $T(D)$ and $\frac{\partial T(D,I)}{\partial I}|_{I=1}$ numerically, which are included in the well-known upper bounds of the error-event and bit-error probabilities, respectively, for convolutional codes and trellis-codes modulation schemes. The algorithm is an iteration method which is based on the power method to approximate an eigenvector of the dominant eigenvalue of a matrix. The differential $\frac{\partial T(D,I)}{\partial I}|_{I=1}$ is calculated without any difference operation.
  • Key words: convolutional code, Viterbi decoding, transfer function bound, fast calculation
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