Asymptotic Performance of a Modified Schalkwijk-Barron Scheme for Channels with Noiseless Feedback
Hirosuke YAMAMOTO and Kohji ITOH
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol.IT-25, No.6, pp.729-733, NOV. 1979
- A modified Schalkwijk-Barron transmission scheme is presented for channels with noiseless feedback. The modified scheme employs blockwise decision and a fixed length transmission in place of Viterbi's sequential decision feedback. The reliability function of the modified scheme are derived for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and discrete memoryless channels (DMC's). For the AWGN channel the result obtained is asymptotically the same as in the case of the Schalkwijk-Barron scheme. On the other hand,the new result obtained for DMC's shows that the modified scheme also attains high reliability functions for DMC's.,
- The above scheme is explained in the following book:
James M. Ooi, "Coding for channlels with feedback", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. (ISBN 0-7923-8207-2)
- DOI:10.1109/TIT.1979.1056119
(Correction: DOI:10.1109/TIT.1980.1056232)