On the Performance of TCM with Channel State Information in Frequency Flat Rayleigh Mobile Channels

Carlos VALDEZ and Hirosuke YAMAMOTO

IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E77-B, No.4, pp.501-510, April 1994.

  • In this paper we analyze the performance of Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) schemes with coherent detection operating in a frequency flat, mobile Rayleigh fading environment,and with different knowledge levels on both the amplitude and phase fading processes (the latter is not assumed as usual to be ideally tracked), or Channel State Information (CSI). For example,whereas ideal CSI means that both the amplitude and phase fading characteristics are perfectly known by the receiver, other situations that are treated consider perfect knowledge of the amplitude (or phase) with complete disregard of the phase (or amplitude), as well as non concern on any of them. Since these are extreme cases, intermediate situations can be also defined to get extended bounds based on Chernoff which allow the phase errors, in either from of constant phase shifts or randomly distributed phase jitter,to be included in the upper bounds attainable by transfer function methods, and are applicable to multiphase/level signaling schemes. We found that when both fading characteristics are considered , the availability of CSI enhances significantly the performance. Furthermore , for non constant envelope schemes with non ideal CSI and for constant envelope schemes with phase errors, an asymmetry property of the pairwise error probability is identified. Theoretical and simulation results are shown in support of the analysis.  
  • Key words: trellis coded modulation, channel state information, Rayleigh channel, Chernoff bound phase ambiguities, phase jitter
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